Legal Consultation
We provide legal advice after a careful analysis of the law as it applies to your specific situation based on the facts and circumstances provided.
Contract Review
We help you analyse drafts, identify variables relevant to the contract, improve wording or phrasing and ensure the appropriate clauses are in place to protect your rights.
Legal Drafting and Notarization
A legal document of any nature must be advantageous for the client from the very beginning and at the same time ensure that it will protect their rights and interests in the future. As such, we provide the client with overall contract review and drafting of agreements and other documents relating to a variety of business transactions. We also counsel the client with respect to specific contract legal matters and assist in the evaluation of opportunities.
General Counsel Services
These are services covered by our retainership contract, such as legal consultation and documentation, including preparation and review of contracts, which are required in the ordinary and usual course of the client’s operations, drafting of simple affidavits, powers of attorney, letters of demand and other simple papers and notarization thereof.
Property, Civil and Criminal Litigation
We litigate civil, commercial, property, criminal, contractual, collection, matrimonial and family relations and settlement of estate disputes and controversies before judicial and quasi-judicial bodies. The firm assists clients by providing advice and representation prior to litigation, during trial and at appellate levels, including applications for attachments, injunctions and other provisional remedies.
Civil Registry and Special Proceedings
Special proceedings is an application or proceeding to establish the status or right of a party, or a particular fact, generally commenced by application, petition or special form of pleading as may be provided for by the particular rule or law. In particular, our practice area focuses on the subject of change of name, adoption, custody of children, voluntary dissolution of corporation, settlement of estate of deceased persons, habeas corpus and judicial cancellation or correction of entries in the Civil Registry. We also assist in applications before the Local Civil Registrar on matters such as correcting clerical errors in the civil registry records, change of first name, correcting typographical errors in date and month of birth and gender, and the like.
Estate Planning
The firm provides legal advice in drafting last wills and testaments, powers of attorney, trusts and other such agreements. We also give consultancy on estate and donor’s taxation and other government impositions.
Land Titling and Transfer Assistance
We serve our clients in dealing with various real estate concerns from the simple to the complex. In particular, we provide the following suite of real estate services: registration of land titles, cancellation of encumbrance over certificates of title, petitions for issuance of owner’s duplicate TCT, annotation of adverse claim, liens and other encumbrances over land titles and segregation and consolidation of titles with the Register of Deeds and Land Registration Authority. We also provide advice and assist in real estate purchases and dispositions, including negotiations, contract drafting and execution, and transfer tax payments.
Business Registration Assistance
Because many of our retainer clients are engaged in a wide range of businesses, we are cultivating extensive knowledge and skills in commercial and corporate law, negotiable instruments, transportation and local corporate taxation. We also handle registration of corporations, partnerships, sole proprietorships, barangay micro-business enterprises (BMBEs) and cooperatives as well as processing of permits and licenses necessary to operate your business. We will draft and review contracts to ensure full protection of your rights and promote your interests and provide consultancy on Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) matters.
Employee Benefits and Labor Relations
We assist in drafting contracts of employment, negotiating service contracts and reviewing employment policies. We will work hand-in-hand with the Human Resource (HR) Department of your organization in producing various HR forms customized to your business needs. We also handle labor disputes, such as illegal dismissal cases, labor-only contracting, money claims and other controversies arising from failure of the employer to comply with the minimum terms and conditions of employment under the Labor Code.